Your Potential for Good

If you haven’t noticed by now, my mind comes up with the most random and often uncomprehend-able thoughts. A few weeks ago, one of these was for a service week. I love the alliterations of the days on the Instagram, and I wanted to do a week of service using the same idea. I recruited one of my best friends and we went about doing good. Well, mostly we went about being awkward and trying to make people’s days. And guess what. We did make people’s days.

I know that because it made my day.
  • We started with Sweet Note Sunday. Now, I love writing letters more than most normal people do, so this was possibly my favorite day. I’m better with written words than I am with spoken words, so I was able to just tell a few people how stinking amazing I think they are.

  • Next was Mystery Monday. Ding dong ditching has always been one of my favorite things, and my family basically has it down to an art. We baked some brownies and walked around Rexburg until we decided to knock on a random door.
  • Taxi Tuesday was one of my favorites. Having a car at school is really beneficial. I was reminded of how lucky I am to have a vehicle as we gave students rides home from the store with their groceries.

  • The amount of times we were asked “Are you guys serious?” on Wash-dishes Wednesday was actually comical.
  • I was surprised at the wonderful responses we received handing out water bottles on Thirsty Thursday.
  • I was reminded how awkward I was when we gave people compliments on Flattery Friday.
  • And I don’t even think that Serenade Saturday was necessarily service because of the quality of our voices. We just knocked on doors, and when they were opened we told the girls that they were beautiful through song.

But as long as we learned something, it’s worth it, right?
So Kyanna, what did you learn by doing this service week?
Well I learned that I am awkward. I learned that I want to be more friendly and outgoing. I learned that Loriann and I aren’t very clever with alliterations. I learned that I hate people walking with headphones, mostly just because I try talking to them and they can’t hear me, and then I feel awkward. So yeah, mostly I learned that I am awkward.
But I learned that service can be the tiniest act.
I learned that as long as you are trying to help others, you will be able to.
I learned that throughout the course of my day, I can help the people that I come in contact with, even if it is in the smallest way.
I learned that we all have potential for good.

“You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this world's happiness now. How? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.”

-Dale Carnegie


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