A Final Word about Russia
So I am home from Russia, and basically it all seems like a strange dream right now, but it sure was an amazing dream. It's weird to think about when I first found out that I would be spending four months in Russia. The night I stayed up until 1 o'clock just trying to remember how to pronounce Voronezh and when I was stressing out about buying clothes that would keep me warm. Fast forward a few months and I have six more crazy friends, a family that I can barely understand living in another country, a few extra pounds from my host mother's cooking, a love for 14 crazy, but cute and sweet, Russian kids who make me laugh and make me cry, and occasionally make me roll my eyes, a second home half the world away, and I know more Russian than Spanish that I remember from high school.
I can honestly say that it was not what I expected, and maybe there is a slight possibility that I was a bit terrified, maybe, but it sure was a great experience. And all those things you hear about Russians, well they're probably true (and I could add a few things like "Russians love exact change and may yell at you if you pay for something that costs 100 rubles with a 500 ruble bill") but I can say that Russians are generally just really genuine real people.
So yeah, this fall was way cool, and ya'll should check out this video I made about some of our fun times.
and maybe stop by the blog again sometime
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