Day Twenty-Eight

Day Twenty-Eight: Post five things that make you laugh out loud.
1.      Ethan. Man, I love this boy. He always has me laughing out loud, because he is probably one of the funniest people I know. He makes me laugh out loud, even when he is making fun of me. (Also, I get to see him pretty soon, and I am definitely not mad about it)
2.      This.

3.      Inside Jokes. I love laughing about things that a few certain people know about. My girls and I can laugh for hours about awkward experiences in Mexico and things the kids have done.
4.      Awkward situations. It doesn’t matter if it’s awkward for me, awkward for someone else, or just awkward in general, I will laugh. I laugh at myself being awkward a lot, because I just don’t care about the awkwardness.

5.      Other people laughing. Have you ever laughed with someone about nothing in particular, but once you get laughing you can’t seem to stop? I’ve done this with my brothers a lot, but also with some cool friends. I seriously start crying and my back starts cramping because I am laughing so hard, but I can’t seem to stop. It’s a funny time.


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