Engagement and Another Semester

This engagement thing is not what I expected, to say the least.
I can honestly say that I didn't expect to get engaged during finals week, and certainly not that I would have less than 2 months to plan a wedding.
But really what I didn’t expect was the feelings I would have for Jake.
I always imagined that when a couple got engaged, they would be madly in love, hardly able to control their feelings, insanely giddy, not being able to contain their excitement at all, yet I don’t really feel this…
Don’t get me wrong, I am madly in love with Jake. He is my best friend. I can talk to him about anything. He’s supportive and loving and willing to put forth the work this relationship requires. He deals with me at my worst and at my best. I’m incredibly fond of him and love him, but it’s just not what I imagined, because it seems all too logical…
Not only does marrying Jake feel right in my life, it feels almost casual. This engagement feels less exciting than I thought it would be, because it was the only logical continuation of our relationship. I don’t know why we wouldn’t continue this forever. It seems all to perfect, but it also seems like such a natural development to where we both want to be.
Update on Junior Year:
Classes were hard. Just freaking hard. I passed, but they were hard.
I thought my dad was going to die for the first 3 months. That was not fun.
I went to another Twenty-One Pilots’ concert and shamelessly cried again.
I became a B-average student.
I sold a painting.
My best friend got married and I was able to be her bridesmaid.
I went to Nebraska with my bestie.
I met Jacob, and somehow, I convinced him to date me.
I made a lot of friends.
I made quite a few enemies. I don’t know why, but I did.
I decided that I neither want to do tax or audit…
I played Ultimate Frisbee with the best people.
I ran 5 races, and was able to run one with my little sister, and she got a PR by 30 minutes. Oh dang, she’s just the coolest.
My little brother left for 2 years to teach the gospel of Christ to the people in California.
I got engaged to my favorite person.
Life is weird, but it’s rather great.


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