November Is For ThanksGiving
I’m going to show some
gratitude in honor of it being November. So I’m just going to share something
I’m grateful every day until Thanksgiving.
November 1st: I’m thankful for this tiny studio apartment
that we live in. There’s like hardly any space, but we were so blessed we
were able to find something relatively cheap and close to the school in our
short time period. I get to spend so much time with Jake because of it. It like
forces me to never leave his side. We’ve grown closer together since we can’t
leave each other. Okay, but no really, I am so thankful for this small space
that we get to call ours. (and since we’ll be moving soon, and I’ve been
looking at rentals down there, I am even more thankful for the price of this
November 2nd: I’m thankful for my experience in Mexico.
I met some amazing people, forged some great friendships, and taught the cutest
little kiddos ever! To be honest, it also was SUPER tough. My dad was diagnosed
with cancer when I was away, and that made it really difficult being away from
family at the time. But I had some rather good replacements over there, and
they took good care of me. I watched videos of the kids and ugly-cried the
whole time. When Jake got home I made him watch them with me again, and
repeated the cycle… oops
November 3rd: I’m thankful for job opportunities. My
favorite thing to be thankful for are the things that are almost hard to be
thankful for. I turned down a job offer today and I felt sooo bad about it, but
I’m still thankful that I have many opportunities to help provide for my
family, even if it’s not exactly the job I was hoping for.
November 4th:
I bet you’ve all been waiting for it, but I
am so thankful for my husband. He’s pretty cool and he works hard to
support us. He deals with me and my worst and my slightly better than worst.
And he still doesn’t hate me for it. That’s pretty freaking cool. I know he is
always going to be there for me and I’m so grateful for that.
November 5th: I am thankful for my family. Really
though, I was blessed with some amazing people in my life. Like, they take care
of me and buy me groceries and let me talk their ear off and hang out with me. Even
my exes have liked my family, and good on them because they should have. I may
be the outcast of the fam, but it would suck if I didn’t have them.
November 6th:
Obviously I am so thankful for the gospel
of Jesus Christ. I am reminded every day, but especially today. Jake has
started putting on scriptures to listen to in the morning as we get ready. I
heard the scripture about Jesus’ arm always being outstretched towards us and
all we have to do is reach back to Him. How amazing is that?? This world is
sure a scary place, but Jesus makes it soooo much better. Welcome Him into your
life and you will not be disappointed.
November 7th:
So lately I have been hating school, like a lot. I feel dumber and dumber with
every class I take, every assignment I turn in, and ever presentation I give. I
was a little floored that people would actually want to hire me with how stupid
I feel in school sometimes. But I am
thankful for the education I am gaining at this university. BYU-I sure gets
a bad rep sometimes. I read an article this girl wrote basically saying “I told
BYU-I they sucked in a nice way,” and I thought it was just THE WORST. I guess
you really do get out what you put in. I don’t always put in all my effort. I
don’t always get along with every professor. I don’t always get good grades
either, but I’m not going to blame that on anyone else but me. So yeah, I’m
grateful for this university that is teaching me more than just how to balance debits
and credits.
November 8th:
Have you ever been so overwhelmed with a feeling that you don’t even know what
to do with yourself?? That might sound stupid, and this might as well, but I am thankful for feeling; for all the
emotions we feel on this crazy life journey. I feel that way sometimes about
how much I love Jacob. I felt this way when I was in Mexico a lot. I was
thinking back about that time; that time when I was hecka depressed, cried
myself to sleep every night, didn’t talk to anyone, and lacked motivation of
any kind. And isn’t that the coolest thing ever? There was a lot of pain, like
a whole bunch. There was a lot of fear; I didn’t think I would see him ever
again. And holy freak, was I very bitter. But I got to feel all this so deeply.
I didn’t just go numb to feelings, as nice as it sounded. And now I get to
experience the same thing, feeling my feelings, especially with my husband.
November 9th:
Holy heck, I am grateful for the friends and
acquaintances I have met at college. Today we gave a pretty good
presentation in my tax class and, just dang, there are some great people. Last
year I just loved all the people I came in contact with, I thought they were
just the best. I have definitely lost that feeling a little bit over the year,
but I get glimpses of it again and it just makes me happy. People are so cool
and it’s cool that they’re in my life.
November 10th:
Jake and I ended this really show on Netflix today. I’m grateful for “Freaks and Geeks.” I think we thought it was so
good because some really terrible stuff happened and somehow things still
worked out okay. I showed that even the “perfect” family has their own
struggles, and that people are generally trying to just find something that
makes them happy and gives them purpose.
November 11th:
So today I drove the three hours home to Buhl by myself. I love driving by
myself, because it gives me that alone/meditation time I really need. When I’m
driving I’ll just start talking to God. That’s what I’m thankful for today. I’m thankful that I am able to pray to God.
Think about it. God listens to you. The creator of the universe listens to me
as I drive in my car. He listens to me always.
And he listens to you always. And He
helps us, always!
November 12th: I’m thankful for my home. The one I
grew up in. When I was younger, I was always a little embarrassed about what my
home looked like. While all my friends seemed to live in large elaborate
houses, I was living in one that was small and never seemed to be clean. But I
am so grateful for the love that was shown in that house and the lessons I
learned there. It’s always nice to go back.
November 13th:
I’m thankful for all the people in my life
than love and support me. We’ve been writing thank you cards from the
wedding this week, and it’s been fun to reflect on the family and friends that
supported us on our special day. I think Jake had to be very overwhelmed at our
reception meeting all these people that I was 100% confident “were just the
best.” He had to have heard that over and over again. But I really feel that
way about all these great people that I know. I think that one reason I
generally like my life so much is because I’ve been surrounded by these people
and obviously they have done things and lived their lives in such a manner that
I think they “are just the best.”
November 14th:
Okay, this one is for my brother. Dang, he’s the best and I am grateful for him. Kagen has been the best friend through
college. We’ve went to the temple together, and to Taco Bell, and on road trips
home every other week when my dad was going through chemo. We’ve had some long
talks where we complain and rant about every possible thing about college, and
then we talk about our family. He’s
always there for me, and I always want to be there for him.
November 15th:
I am so grateful for painting.
Seriously, I’ve gotten back into it lately and it’s the only thing I can think
about anymore. I find it so relaxing and enjoyable. And I’m grateful for that
because I need some relaxation after working on tax debates all day.
November 16th:
I’m thankful for plans that change. Okay, if you are anything like me, changing
plans is the literal worst thing. You take all this time to plan something out
for a certain time, and then something happens and it totally throws off all
your plans, and your entire day, and your whole life. Maybe that’s a bit of an
exaggeration. But today I had to change most of my plans, and as frustrating as
it always is, I was also grateful for the new opportunities and acts of service
I was able to do, instead of the “perfect” little things I had planned to do.
November 17th:
Oh baby, I’m grateful for date nights on
Friday nights! Okay, dating is great and all, well once you’re married. A
few reasons why: when I was single I would go on weeknight dates all the time. I don’t know about you,
but I got homework to do on those days. “Do I want to go on a date this
Wednesday? Actually, I want to be doing by calculus homework, Brandon!!” (Never
dated a boy named Brandon) Also, talk about all the awkward moments on those
dates. A girl can only hold a fart in for so long until it breeds inside of her
and ruins the whole night! Okay, all joking aside, I’m just grateful that I can
spend some free time with my best friend. And we went to Target and bought a
skillet on our date. (I promise we’re still young and childless…)
November 18th:
I’m grateful for people who are
undeniably unapologetically unashamedly themselves. You know those people
that are just the way they want to be no matter how weird, nerdy, or awkward
they may look to other people. How amazing would it be to just act the exact
way you want to, and do the exact things you want to do without worrying about
other people’s opinions? I’m convinced that most people are jealous of this
type of people. Today I’m just thankful they exist, because I feel that most
others are trying to be their own original person, but within the bounds of what
other people think it acceptable and normal. We all want to be different, by
being the same. It doesn’t work that way. So, thank goodness for people who
make the world a more diverse place.
November 19: Prophets and
Apostles. Okay yeah, definitely thankful
for the leaders of my church. The cool thing is: God loves us. He still
loves us. Just like people of old. And because He loved them, He gave them
prophets and apostles so they weren’t alone and confused. And since He loves us
too, He did the. Exact. Same. Thing! Talk about love. I’m grateful for their
guidance, for their example, and for the witness they bear of Christ.
November 20th:
I’m thankful for my little brother!
My brother left us for two whole years, yeah two of them, because He knew what
God wanted him to do. So, he’s off serving the people in California and sharing
the great news of Jesus and His restored gospel with them. He’s like having
birthdays and celebrating holidays away from home, and believe me, that’s not
fun. Being away isn’t fun or easy sometimes, but he does it, and for that I am
so proud. I am so grateful for his example, to me as well as my younger
siblings, and I’m grateful for him being such a great brother growing up.
November 21st:
Okay, some of you will probably hate this, so I will admit it right out front.
I am one of those ‘monsters’ that listens to Christmas music before
Thanksgiving. And #SorryNotSorry I am
really thankful for my Christmas jams. They are just these wonderful,
beautiful, uplifting songs about JESUS. Have you noticed the difference that
happens to the world when we start listening to Christmas music? I will assure
you it is a super positive change. It’s just happy music about Jesus, that
makes people happy and reminds them of their Lord and Savior. I’ll all about
this happiness and I think I’ll take part in it as soon as it is the slightest
bit acceptable.
November 22nd:
Today I changed my name on my social security card. It’s only been two and a
half months, so that’s not too bad, right? But honestly, the social security
office is in Idaho Falls and it is only open Monday- Friday from like 9 to 4… Those
are some tricksty times, especially since Jake has the car at work most days. But
I showed up at 8:55, and there was already a line! Apparently the Social
Security Office is the place to be on the day before Thanksgiving. But I’m grateful that it didn’t take all day
and I am on my way to officially becoming a Corum.
November 23rd:
It’s Thanksgiving!! Okay, so the last two years I haven’t been home for
Thanksgiving. I haven’t really celebrated Thanksgiving really. Well not in the
traditional way. Last Thanksgiving, I was on the beach in Veracruz. There was
no turkey. No pumpkin pie. No stuffing. Obviously, it was hard. So I’m thankful for celebrating holidays with
my family again. The thing is though, my family was pretty sick the whole
day and I still wouldn’t give it up for anything.
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