One Year

Jake and I celebrate our one year anniversary today, so I thought I’d share what this last year included.
1 year.
12 months.
365 days.
5 jobs.
3 apartments.
3 semesters.
2 cities.
1 graduation.
Lots of laughter.
Lots of fights.
Lots of memories.
I hear that quote “They say that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but when you’re married to your best friend nothing could be easier,” or “then our marriage is going to be really great” and it literally makes me cringe.
Marriage. Is. Work.
Marriage. Is. Hard.
I’ll be the first to say that marriage hasn’t been the easiest thing. We fight and we argue. We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. But when it comes down to it, we love each other, care for each other, and are committed to a life together.
The first year we had a lot of changes. We moved in together in Rexburg where I started my senior year of college, and Jake worked a job he hated, while we lived in a studio apartment the size of a hotel room. Then I got an internship in St. George at HintonBurdick CPA’s, so we moved there for 4 months, while Jake attended school online. Then we moved back to Rexburg to finish school. I graduated last month, and Jake will graduate in December. It’s been a crazy year, but truly I am just grateful that homeboy still likes me.


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