Happiness is EVERYWHERE

If there is one thing I have come to know recently, it’s that happiness can be found at all times.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always find it, but the cool thing is that it is always there.
·         Even as you walk out of the testing center with a heavy heart.
·         Even when the tears blur your vision as he walks away from you.
·         Even when the clock says 2:30 am and you still have an assignment to complete.
·         Even when the scoreboard is in the other team’s favor.
·         Even when you notice everyone else passing you by.
·         Even when you feel utterly and completely alone.
·         Even as your to-do list is growing and there is no end in sight.
·         Even when you spend all night hunched over the toilet throwing up.
·         And, of course it is even there when life is going great.
Happiness is everywhere! Its literally pouring out of the fibers that make up this thing we call life.
This life wasn’t designed for us to be sad or angry, or to dwell on hate or sorrow. It was designed for us to be able to feel the most joy we can possibly feel. It was designed not only for us to pursue happiness, but to find it. Because in reality, happiness is basically swarming around us, and we are just too afraid of getting stung.
So go. Go out and instead of chasing after happiness, instead of running after it and tracking it down on some map, just go find where it has been in your life every day.


  1. Your blog is my favorite blog about the how to chase happiness it's nice style.

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