People Are Like Sunflowers

People are like sunflowers, but act more like weeds…
            Fun Fact for ya: sunflowers follow the sun across the sky from east to west as the sun rises and then sets. They follow the light. And I think people are a lot like this. We follow light. We’re always looking for light; for the things that light represents. We’re on a constant search for goodness, happiness, and kindness, for anything that is wholesome. And once we find something that brings this light into our lives, we follow it. We stick to true friends. We seek out religions. We pursue happiness. We are basically chasing goodness through our lives every day.
            And although, like sunflowers, we are trailing what makes us happy, we often act much more like weeds than flowers. We’re stubborn and persistent in our ways. We decrease the good that can come out of situations and increase the work that must be put in. We are often putting ourselves into situations where we don’t belong or are unwanted, but always have to throw in our 2 cents. We stifle out the good in life. We take resources for ourselves that could be used for the greater good. We’re often selfish. We act in accordance with human nature.
            But just because we’re humans doesn’t mean we always have to act like it. Sure, we’re going to mess up; we’re going to offend and hurt people, we’re going to wrong others and we’re going to be misunderstood and we are going to misunderstand. Everybody does that stuff.

            So what am I trying to say? I’m trying to say that we should be more like flowers than weeds. We should be the goodness and light that people follow in their lives. We should try our very best to bless the lives of others, to cheer up those that are feeling down, to raise those that have fallen, to bring wholesome joy into the lives of our friends and enemies alike. I believe that kindness is a miracle worker. It can change everything.


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