Preparing for Russia
So right now, I haven't been doing anything too exciting. Mostly, I have just been preparing for Russia, and basically that involves living out of boxes still, getting needle poked into me (vaccines), working at a greenhouse, and buying warm clothing when the weather here is still in the 80s.
Since I was only going to be home for about month, I figured the only people that would hire me for that amount of time would be family or friends. After talking to my uncle, I realized that family had been ruled out, so I called a friend and had a job the next day. Working at the greenhouses is actually really exciting. The way that the greenhouse runs and is set up is actually really interesting. I work with a lot of Spanish ladies who don't speak much English, so mostly at work I just sit around and wish that they would adopt me into their little family and teach me how to speak Spanish and to make tortillas, so at lunch I can share my homemade tortillas and spinach tacos, and look through clothing magazines with them. But that isn't happening, so I actually just pull leaves off of plants and play with soil, and feel really white as I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, everyday.
Preparing for Russia also means that my sister and I have a photo shoot. Sometimes I think I am more adorable than I am.
I don't always laugh at globes, but when I do its because I only have 20 days left in the United States of America.
Because I love this random sign we have at my house, I felt like I needed a picture with it. (Also, that cat does not appreciate me at all)
And although I wasn't a big fan of having a corn field in my back yard, I'm going to miss it.
Finally, being denied high fives is something that happens to me on a daily basis and my sister was able to capture that in this series of photos.
I've been packing too, well trying to. I'm not exactly sure what I'll need. They tell me that I might want to bring comfort food, so I am looking for a way to bring Taco Bell and Costa Vida food with me. I haven't had any good ideas yet.
I also went to a training session in Utah for the program, and the best thing that happened was probably that I didn't get lost on the Utah roads during construction. And the training was really nice too. It got me really excited for the adventure I will be starting soon.
Also, sometimes Life hands you an autographed Madilyn Paige CD and that's pretty cool. (And by "Life" I mean one of the coolest guys I have ever met.)
Countdown: 11 days, 7 hours...
Since I was only going to be home for about month, I figured the only people that would hire me for that amount of time would be family or friends. After talking to my uncle, I realized that family had been ruled out, so I called a friend and had a job the next day. Working at the greenhouses is actually really exciting. The way that the greenhouse runs and is set up is actually really interesting. I work with a lot of Spanish ladies who don't speak much English, so mostly at work I just sit around and wish that they would adopt me into their little family and teach me how to speak Spanish and to make tortillas, so at lunch I can share my homemade tortillas and spinach tacos, and look through clothing magazines with them. But that isn't happening, so I actually just pull leaves off of plants and play with soil, and feel really white as I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, everyday.
Preparing for Russia also means that my sister and I have a photo shoot. Sometimes I think I am more adorable than I am.
I don't always laugh at globes, but when I do its because I only have 20 days left in the United States of America.
Because I love this random sign we have at my house, I felt like I needed a picture with it. (Also, that cat does not appreciate me at all)
Finally, being denied high fives is something that happens to me on a daily basis and my sister was able to capture that in this series of photos.
I've been packing too, well trying to. I'm not exactly sure what I'll need. They tell me that I might want to bring comfort food, so I am looking for a way to bring Taco Bell and Costa Vida food with me. I haven't had any good ideas yet.
I also went to a training session in Utah for the program, and the best thing that happened was probably that I didn't get lost on the Utah roads during construction. And the training was really nice too. It got me really excited for the adventure I will be starting soon.
Also, sometimes Life hands you an autographed Madilyn Paige CD and that's pretty cool. (And by "Life" I mean one of the coolest guys I have ever met.)
Countdown: 11 days, 7 hours...
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