College is Cool

College is cool.
And sometimes it’s not.
Sometimes you pay $160 for a piece of paper, and suddenly you question why you just paid upwards of $500 for a few books that you are actually only renting.
Sometimes your tax professor asks “Who is married?” and everyone, except for maybe 5 people (including you), in your class raises their hand, and then they start talking about their children and you feel very young and immature because you are basically still a child yourself.
Sometimes you have to bundle up to go to your first day of the semester when there is a wind-chill warning in affect and people are urged to stay inside, but you can’t because of “Advanced Spreadsheet Application.”

College is cool.
Because at college, your roommate brings you your sandwich that you left on the table that morning so you can actually eat a lunch that day, and you stay up late talking to her instead of going to sleep at nights.
At college, you meet people your first semester and you never stop being friends or being in the same classes and you just do homework together and make cheesy economics and accounting jokes, and you laugh like they are funny, when really, you both know they aren’t.
At college, you sit next to a boy in class, and the next moment you realize that you are doing homework together at his temporary apartment and just listening to him talk as you drive him to work and you feel insanely inspired by him and his vocabulary and thoughts on life.
At college, you meet random people who want to hang out with you, and the next moment before you realize it you are on a date of sorts and you are so completely nervous but he is listening to you so intently and smiling, and you end up rapping Twenty-One Pilots in his car before he walks you to your door.
And at college, you walk around campus and you pass thousands of people, some you know and others who you’ve never seen before, and they are all just doing their own thing in this life.
            College is weird because it’s spontaneous and awkward. If you are anything like me, you most likely aren’t sure what is going on most of the time, but you are so beyond grateful that things are going on. You are so grateful that you are meeting new people. You are so grateful for strangers who become friends, and sometimes even boyfriends. You are so grateful for people who help you out and teach you. You are so grateful for the knowledge you are gaining, even if it isn’t from you $200 text book. You are so grateful that you are experiencing all this. You are so grateful that you go to college. And you are grateful for the spontaneousness and awkwardness and you learn to embrace it, because I think that is what makes college so cool.


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