About That Happiness Thing
About That Happiness Thing
Advice to My Sister
on Happiness as known by Kyanna:
is happiness?
me happiness is a feeling, it’s an emotion. It’s being delighted, pleased, and
content. It’s warmth and light. Happiness is freedom. It’s laughter, smiles,
humor, and good times. Happiness enlightens and uplifts; it inspires. It brings
people together and gives purpose to life.
you ever seen people interact with a baby? There’s the “baby voice,” crazy
faces, and big smiles. I think everyone responds this way when they see a baby.
And why do they do this? People will make a fool out of themselves just to make
that baby smile; just to make that baby laugh; just to make that baby happy.
do we lose that desire to make others happy as they grow up?
everyone you see deserves happiness. Everyone that is on the face of this earth
deserves happiness.
lady at the post office counter, the boy bagging your groceries, the elderly
man walking past you in the park: they all deserve happiness. One of the hardest things will be seeing this
in others. But remember when you see that group of teenagers acting like
teenagers, or that group of girls giggling about a cute boy, just remember that
they deserve happiness. Even if you think is annoying or weird, they still need
happiness. Just remember the same things that bring happiness to you, don’t
bring happiness to others, and vice versa. As long as they are not hurting you,
don’t judge them on what they find happiness in. Happiness is a right.
is EVERYWHERE. It’s all around us. You don’t have to track down happiness like
you track down Pokémon. There is no happiness map and you can’t use your
happiness GPS. Happiness is all around you. You just have to realize it.
is all around us, at all times.
true real happiness, can only really be felt by living in accordance with God’s
laws. Ultimately becoming more Christ-like is what will make you happy.
condensed advice: find that true happiness and don’t stop anyone else on their
journey for happiness, only encourage them.
“[God] created us to have JOY.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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(Ice cream makes me happy! and so does cool friends) |
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