Random Guidance

Random Guidance
Advice to My Sister

·         You should probably completely obliterate your comfort zone
·         Don’t hold back kindness.
·         Go on crazy adventures often.
·         Love with your whole heart.
·         Confidence is key. Sometimes you will have to fake it until you make it.
·         Everyone has an intricate and complicated life, just like you do. Always remember that. Never assume to much; we both know what assuming does ;)
·         Dump jerks. Or just don’t date them in the first place.
·         Climb mountains.
·         Random Dance Parties need to be a thing.
·         When you feel like crying, cry.
·         Use a planner!
·         If you like him, tell him. Be blunt. It will save a lot of time, confusion, doubt, and “what if’s.”
·         Be You.
I guess this is some of my final advice to you. Honestly, I know you'll figure out this whole life thing just fine. 


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