Day Six
Six: Five ways to win your heart.
thank you for this, Writing Challenge. You must know that I am very single.
listen up boys!!
1. (This is probably terrible and I’m going to sound judgmental and shallow, but it’s
a real thing for me) Running. I’m easily wood by a boy that will go running
with me and has a good pace that challenges me. I probably check out people’s
running forms more than I check out the actual person…
2. Humor.
If a boy is funny, I dig that. It’s important to make me laugh. Like really
important, or we probably can’t even be friends. It’s something special when a
boy can meet my sarcastic level.
3. My
humor. I love it when people think I am funny. Because I’m freaking hilarious,
so when people appreciate that, it definitely helps. (It’s sad how true this
actually is though)
4. Example.
I’ve noticed lately that I love people who inspire me to be a better person
through their example. I’m easily wooed by a man who loves the gospel, lives
it, can talk about it with me, and inspires me to be the best version of me
through God.
5. Kindness.
Have you heard that kindness is attractive? Because it so is. I love people who
treat others with love, respect, and kindness. If you love people as much as I
do, you’ve got a good shot at my heart.
a bow tie and rock it
a wicked three-point shot
another language
Give sincere random compliments
Read my blog
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