Day Three

Day Three: What are your top three pet peeves?
#1: People who don’t care.
            I hate it when people seem apathetic. I mean of course there are times when you really don’t care what food you are going to go eat and that’s fine, because you don’t have to have a strong opinion or passion for everything. What really bothers me though, is when people don’t care about others, great ideas, or life in general. People just need to care a little more about what is going on around them.
#2: The toilet paper roll always goes over.
It’s the right way, and I will fight for this until I go to the grave. There is only one right way.
#3: Waiting.
I know I should try to be a more patient person, but waiting in general just peeves me a little bit. I hate it when people wait for me, especially when we are walking somewhere. Like I walk faster than all of you combined, you don’t have to wait for me. Also, I hate waiting to go somewhere once I’m ready. I would rather just leave as soon as I am ready and then wait at the event/activity. So, I guess that means that I also hate waiting for other people to get ready once I already am. Anyway, that is basically me just admitting that I am an impatient person.
Bonus: #4 Not having a picture on a blog post, so here's a random picture to bless your day:


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