One Letter, Three Favorites

My heart is so happy.
This weekend we took off to a vacation in Mexico City.
TEMPLE: We started with a trip to the Mexico City LDS Temple. I was pumped to be able to go the temple again. The blessings of peace and joy that come through attending the temple, were once again mine. Afterwards we went to the Visitor's Center and walked around.
In one room I read a saying on the wall that said "El plan de Dios para su familia." I thought of my cute little family at home, my cute little family which isn't perfect and isn't free of trials, but will be able to be together forever. How grateful I am for my eternal family now and in the future, and the opportunity I have to help others feel the joy that comes from family relationships.
My heart is so full of happiness and joy because of this gospel.
TØP: Later that night we went to a Twenty One Pilots concert. I could hardly contain my emotions. I haven't always been the biggest fan of TØP, and the first time I heard one of their songs, I might have laughed. But I promised a friend I would give them a fair chance and I started listening to their lyrics; lyrics about life, and about pain, about finding yourself, and finding purpose in life, about conquering personal battles, and lyrics about creativity in our personal existence, and being your own person, and relying on God. Fast forward about 8 months later and I'm hardcore fan girling. I read about what the lyrics mean to them, I talk about Tyler Joseph's tattoos, I listen to their songs on repeat, and make goals to be able to do the rap parts. Therefore, this concert was amazing for me. I was screaming every lyric of every song (except for some of the raps, because let's face it, I'm very white) from the opening song of HeavyDirtySoul to the closing with Goner. I also might have cried... three times, but it's whatever because they sang my favorite song.
Twenty-one Pilots just makes my heart happy.

TEOTIHUACAN: okay, okay so maybe you knew this, but surrounding the Pyramid of Venus at Teotihuacan, there are 12 other smaller platforms areas. Using ellipses and focal points the creators of this place made it possible for someone standing on the Pyramid of Venus to be heard at all the other places without any noise amplifying devices. Now that's one of the coolest things I've ever heard. One point for the ancient civilization, Teotihuacan! There is so much math and symbols used in the meaning of the buildings, and it's all just really interesting. And also, you get to climb extremely old pyramids, so what more do you want?
Ancient knowledge and pyramids make my heart happy.
(Me trying to remember how to pronounce Teotihuacan)
We also went to a modern art museum and walked around the city. Overall, I guess Mexico is pretty cool.
Sorry that I don't have a steadier hand...
I also got photo bombed by a butterfly, so just enjoy this


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