Day Nine
Nine: Post some words of wisdom that speak to you.
Don’t hold back any kindness.
So, #1 fan of humans right here, but
sometimes we suck. We suck because we aren’t very kind. We suck because we do
this thing where we think these nice things (we think about saying hi, we think
about giving people a compliment, we think about cheering someone up that looks
sad, we think about being kind to others), but we don’t actually do them. We’ve
been taught, from within and from our surroundings, that randomly being kind to
someone else is strange, creepy, and even uncomfortable. We’ve had these ideas
pounded into us that if we say hi or compliment someone as they walk by, that
we are weird. We think that it is fine to just keep the nice thoughts we have as
just that, thoughts. You can think that the girl that passes by you on the
sidewalk has a beautiful smile or that her brows are on fleek, but you can just
think that to yourself and continue to walk past her. Why the heck do we do
this? It literally does not make sense to me. If you have kind words swarming
around inside of you, why don’t you let them out? We are far too quick to let
out harmful and negative words, but we keep our kind thoughtful words locked
away only to be opened up in intimate moments within close relationships. I
promise that letting out kind words to friends and to strangers will not make
you a weirdo. It won’t make you look stupid or dumb. It won’t hurt you. It won’t
embarrass you. It won’t start the next World War.
So let them out; don’t hold those kind
words within. You might just make someone’s day. What a shame that would be…
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