Day Eleven

Day Eleven: Write about Something you always think "what if" about.
The biggest what if that I think about is a relationship what if, but I'm sure that the last thing anyone wants to read is a story of a boy I love, me being broken hearted, and what maybe could have been different if I wasn't stupid and afraid.
Of course there are the normal “what ifs” too
What if I wasn't born in this era 
What if I wasn’t a Mormon
What if I didn't like to run
What if I didn't come to Mexico
What if I was married by now
What if I was born into a different family
But here's one that I have actually put thought into. What if I was sweeter.
I try to be a good person, I try to love other and help them, inspire them, and encourage them, and for the most part I think I do okay with this. I love other people and care about them. I want to let them know that they are loved and important and matter. I want them to never feel alone if they know me. And although I have these desires and I try to be kind, I'll never be the sweetest person. I'll never be the sweetest person that can perfectly empathize with people, or bring peace and light into any situation. It's just not who I am. I am too upbeat and live my life to fast paced to be incredibly sweet. So I wonder what if I was sweeter. Would I be able to help others more? 
Would I be able to do more good if I was sweeter?


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