Day Eight

Day Eight: Share something that your struggle with.
            One thing that I struggle with is letting people know how important they are to me. Over the last year I have really become a people person.
I love connecting with people.
I love interacting with people.
I love learning from people.
I love people.
I think that every connection that I have had with people, even the ones without names or words, has influenced my life. I want to let these people in my life know that they are everything to me. I want to go hug them and just tell them
“You have been so important in my life. I have been changed from the friendship we have, from the kindness you’ve shown me, from the help you have given me, from the person you have been even when I’m not around, from the superficial and deep conversations we’ve had, from your smile. I have been inspired by you. I have learned from you. You have brought joy into my life. I love you and I am forever grateful that you are in my life. You are so important and the world needs you now. You are beautiful and amazing and you have wonderful potential. Even if you don’t see this in yourself, you are incredibly different and wonderful. And if you need me to tell you every day, if you need me sing it to you from across the world, if you need to hold onto my belief for a while until you believe it yourself, so be it. I will do it. Because you are worthy of love, life, happiness, and confidence.”

            But I bet none of you have ever experienced this. That’s because I’m awkward and I struggle with expressing my feelings, so instead I send out random texts that start with “I was just thinking about you…” It lacks the true love, admiration, support, and help that I want to tell them.
            I remember as I sat with friends and they told me that when they were younger they considered suicide. I remember crying when I heard this. I remember being so overwhelmed with emotions that I almost couldn’t deal with the situation, because I couldn’t imagine my life without that person. I wouldn’t be the person I am, if they weren’t there in my life. I just want people to know that at least one person in this world loves them, cares about them, and knows that they are important in this world.
            But this doesn’t really come out the way I hope it will, so basically I struggle with expressing my feelings for you.


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