Day One

My bestie, Loriann, and I decided to do a 30 day writing challenge that I found while mindlessly scrolling the Pinterest. She pinned my pin after I pinned it. Then she posted her days on her blog. So she followed me first and now I'm following her. Today is Day 3, so I'm going to play a little bit of catch up.
Day One: List ten things that make you really happy
1.      My beautiful cute family. I love laughing and joking with them. Although we have our differences, we are family, and there isn’t another group of people that I would rather spend time with.
2.      My best friends. Wow, these people. Sometimes I don’t think I deserve to be friends with the people I am. They are beautiful in their own ways, care about me so much, and inspire me to be a better person.
3.      The gospel of Jesus Christ. Obviously. Because the only way we become truly happy is through becoming a better person and more like him. I’m grateful for a church that helps me feel the happiness he provides.
4.      Running. I love to run because it makes me feel free.

5.      Cows. They are so freaking cute. I like their little noses, and their wet tongues, and they make cute noise sometimes. And milk basically equal happiness.
6.      Flirting. It’s just fun sometimes. ‘nough said
7.      Breakfast foods. Pancakes and breakfast burritos basically equal happiness.
8.      Painting. I like making pretty things.
9.      Twenty-One Pilots. Listen to their music and you will understand. Also looking at Tyler Joseph (and his tattoos) will help explain this. (Maybe go bless your day by listening to Tyler Joseph sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.)
10.  Writing. Words are my favorite. I love connecting them together to connect people and express emotions.


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