Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Four: Write about a lesson you’ve learned the hard way.
            Sometimes life throws you curve balls, but you can get through them.
            The 4th of July week this year, was one for the books. And if we were to title the books we were going to put it in, they would probably be something like “Stressed Out of My Mind,” “How Is Life Going, Kyanna: Stories of Kyanna crying,” or “Life Freaking Sucks Sometimes.” Days had been really good in the semester up until that point.
Then he broke up with me.
Then my biggest fear for the last 8 years came true.
Then my grades fell.
Then I had a big service activity.
Then I began completely rethinking my decision to go to Mexico.
And I still had finals to prepare for, and exams to take, and meetings to go to.
But the next day I spent crying to a boy that just broke up with me because I was terrified of what this surgery meant.
I was slightly a mess of stresses from so much. I cried to almost anyone who saw me and hardly slept so I could accomplish everything. But then I got through it. Then another week went by. And another and another. Fast forward through the end of the semester, coming to Mexico, and the surgery, and life is generally alright.
Because the thing is, those bad moments don’t define me or my situation. Because I prayed a lot, and I fasted, and life is really fine.
So that’s cool.


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