Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-One: What three lessons do you want your children to learn from you?

1.      It’s better to be a kind person, in every circumstance. I want them to know that they need to stand up for themselves and be respected so they don’t get trampled in the world, but I really want to teach them that being good to others can always be done. You can be kind and respected. You can hold your ground without being a jerk. You don’t need to be complacent with not hurting others, because you can be kind and you can change lives.
I want kind children.
2.      Don’t give up. Don’t give up on something you enjoy. Don’t give up on who you truly are. Don’t give up others. Don’t give up, just don’t. I want my kids to learn from my example, that it’s a good thing to be determined and not to quit when things get rough. I want them to know that if they have a noble cause, they should fight for it and not give up.
I want my children to be determined.
3.      God is good. If there is one thing that I really want to teach my children, it is that they have a loving Heavenly Father. He cares about them, and they need to care about Him. If this is the only message I get across to them, if this is the only lesson they ever learn from me, it will be enough. If they love God, their love will turn into actions, and then I think everything else will fall into place.
I want faithful children who know their true identity.


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