Support Squad

This is just an appreciation post, because I have some awesome people here in Mexico.
I ran in a half-marathon on Saturday night, and not only was the race amazing, but my heart was so full with the support I was shown. So here we go with people who supported my run that I greatly appreciated:
Lady Cheering at the end: I was spread out at the end of the race between about 5 Mexican men. A lady on the sidelines was cheering us all on at the end. She was saying things like “si se puede.” And then she yelled something about a gringa. Yeah, that was me, and I appreciated her cheering.
Kids in cars: There was a lot of traffic up on the top of the hill that we ran up and down. Cars were bumper to bumper in the other lane as we ran by. Many cars had rolled down their windows and kids were hanging out yelling at us as we ran by. It was possibly the cutest.
My Girls: My girls stood in the cold waiting for me while I ran the race. They even participated in the pre-race Zumba/stretching class that they offered. You gals rock!
Josue: I have a friend that I met on vacation and before my race he told me that he didn’t know how to say the thing about luck and winning in English, but he wanted me to do good and thought I would win. Messages in broken English are possibly my favorite things now.
Stefano: Okay, so in college I took a class called Managerial Economics and the only reason I probably passed that class was because the class TA helped us just about every day. Fast forward a few months and we are both in Mexico, just about a 45-minute drive away. Stefano showed up to the race, cheered me in, and brought me a slice of pumpkin pie because I didn’t have a real Thanksgiving. He is a wonderful human being.

Sabino: Well I convinced him to run 21 kilometers with me, so I guess he is the real MVP. Sabino endured a lot of Kyanna during training. We did a lot of early morning runs and a lot of mile loops. He even got me toilet paper when Jacobson Gut hit at mile 5, and I’m pretty sure that I cried to him more than any half marathon training requires. And he stayed with me the whole race, even though I slowed him down. So here’s to my favorite Mexican.


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